social media


Unsung Heroes of Delhi Airport

Simple ideas always make a big impression and simple people make a big impact.


How Dulux Superclean Paint became a celebration for Mother-Child Bond?

Dulux Superclean is a washable paint. The walls stay as good as new as the walls stay fresh and don’t have a way of telling the…


How well do you know DDLJ?

When a movie reaches 1000 weeks of uninterrupted screening it has to be the most special movie. When the movie is owned by the studio that also…


#31Days31Tales: More Stories In The Middle

Hope you enjoyed Part 1. If you didn’t than this is the link to first ten stories Here’s story number 11. Pi in the Middle A real-life incident…

#31Days31Tales: Stories in the Middle

When we turned 2, we wanted to celebrate by telling stores. Stories from the lot of us at BITM. Stories that could be small, touching, crazy, dramatic, serious,…


Shouldn’t Holi be our national game?

You aim, you throw. You duck, you weave out. You lift, you hold. You scoop, you defend. You play singles, doubles, mixed or any number…